RJPS aims at developing academic perspectives in international peace and global sustainability, and related fields. It aims to publish researches on peace and sustainability in Japanese as well as in English so as to engage with global publication of theoretical and/or empirical works. It is committed to a diversity of approach and method and encourages the submission of multidisciplinary contributions from academics and policymakers for furthering peace and sustainability studies.
Scholarly debate is promoted through RJPS‘s signature thematic sections of four or five articles debating theoretical, empirical and/or methodological questions, as well as in its book review forums and responses. The submission of articles from panels, workshops, and conferences for joint publication is encouraged.
We also host academic journalism, including reportage on events in Ryukoku University, commentaries on current affairs, as well as the outcomes of Research Center for Interdisciplinary Studies in Religion, Science and Humanities funded research projects.
The Ryukoku Journal of Peace and Sustainability (RJPS) is a peer-reviewed academic journal with on-line versions that includes articles on humanities, social sciences and natural sciences. RJPS is published by the Research Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Religion, Science and Humanities (RIRSH), Ryukoku University annually. It also includes a book-review section.